Shenzhen Headquarter
Add.:16F, Block A, Shuimu Yifang Building, No. 286, Nanguang Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
The FX7233 is a 24-pin power amplifier module developed for WiFi applications. With advanced InGaP HBT technology, the module supports 802.11ax systems.
The FX7233 is self-contained with a fully-matched GaAs power amplifier, SP3T switch, LNA with bypass, and a power detector. A Digital Pre-Distortion (DPD) coupler is provided to further improve the linearity of the FEM. The GaAs PA provides RF amplification in linear mode. The integrated switch supports Tx/Rx function. The module is fully matched to 50 ohm at all RF ports.
Packaged in a 3mm x 5mm x 0.75mm module, the FX7233 performs with high efficiency, high linearity, low temperature variation, strong reliability and robust ruggedness. In addition to the feature of RoHS compliant, the FX7233 is free of hazardous substances and rated as green product.
• Integrated 2.4GHz PA with harmonic filter, LNA with bypass, and T/R switch
• Integrated positive slope logarithmic power detector
• Fully-matched input and output
• LNA with integrated bypass mode
• High efficiency
• Good linearity
• Small (24-pin, 3mm x 5mm) laminate package
• MSL rating level: 3
• Green product
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